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Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 4407 (wood sawn or chipped length, sliced or peeled thicker than 6mm, (whether or not  ...)
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Commodity group code: 2523 (cements..portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate & similar hydraulic cements)
20 april 2010

Sector of commercial production

In December 2009 the index of industrial products in comparison to a previous month and December 2008 made correspondingly 102,6% and 107,4%, as for 2009 – 78,1%.

In mining industry the index of products for 2009 was 89,3%, including at the metal mining enterprises – 88,2%, coal and peat – 92,4%, hydrocarbons – 97,4%. In 2009 20,3 milliards of ì3 of natural gas, 2,9 million of tons of crude oil, 54,8 million of tons of the prepared coal, 66,5 million of tons of ore and concentrates nonsintered ferrous were extracted.

In processing industry for 2009 the index of production was 73,4%.

At the enterprises in the sphere of production of food, beverages and tobacco the index of industrial products in 2009 made 93,9%, in particular in confectionary, milk, meat and tobacco industries – accordingly 97,7%, 90,8%, 87,8% and 87,4%, in beverages production – 92,6%, bread and bakeries – 90,7%, in processing and canning of vegetables and fruits – 83,3%. In comparison with 2008 there is the products increase in the production of butter and fats – 30,0%, prepared forages for animals – 10,6%, wines – 5,2%. In 2009 there were produced 2,7 million tons of unrefined sunflower oil, 702 thousand tons of fruit and vegetable juices, nectars, 139 thousand tons of natural canned vegetables, 64 thousand tons of vegetables, fruit, nuts and mushrooms canned with vinegar addition, 3 million dal of cognac, 43,4 million dal of vodka and other strong alcoholic drinks, 300 million dal of beer, 145 million dal of non-alcoholic drinks, 79,5 thousand tons of fresh or cooled beef and veal, 97,5 thousand tons of fresh or cooled pork, 633 thousand tons of fresh or cooled meat and by-products of poultry, 260 thousand tons of sausage wares, 758 thousand tons of processed liquid milk, 74,5 thousand tons of dairy butter, 227 thousand tons of fat cheese, 492 thousand tons of cultured milk foods, 84,7 thousand tons of cultured milk and unfermentable fresh cheese.

In light industry the products index made 74,1%, including at the textile production enterprises – 72,6%, on production of clothes, fur and fur wares – 71,4%, leather, wares from leather and other materials – 84%. In 2009 there were produced 86 million m2 of clothes, 57,8 million pairs of legwear garments, 2,8 million items of stockinet outerwear clothes, 19,7 million pairs of shoes.

In wood processing and wood wares production in 2009 the index of industrial products made 75,1%, in pulp-and-paper production and printing – 81,2%. In comparison to 2008 the production of the majority types of products in these industries was decreased.

At enterprises on production of coke and oil processing products in December 2009 in comparison to the previous month and December 2008 the growth rate made accordingly 95,3% and 113,1%, by results of 2009 – 96,6%. In 2009 17,4 million tons of coke was produced, 3,9 million tons of diesel fuel for motor and railway transport, 3,3 million tons of motor petrol with lead content of 0,013 gram / liter and less and 2,6 million tons of heavy reduced crude.

In chemical and petrochemical industry the index of goods production in 2009 made 76,8%, including at the enterprises on production of basic chemical products – 67,9%, rubber and plastic wares – accordingly 64,7% and 79,5%. The volumes of production were exceeded in 2008 in pharmaceutical production (by 0,7%) and production of soap and cleaning agents, cleaning and polishing means, perfumes and cosmetic means (by 0,8%). Within 2009 there were produced 3 million tons of synthetic ammonia, 2,2 million tons of nitric mineral or chemical fertilizers, 890 thousand tons of sulfuric acid, 53,4 thousands tons of soap and surface-active agent organic agents, 4,8 million tires.

At the enterprises on the production of other non-metal mineral goods the index of industrial production made 61,6%.

In metallurgical production and production of end metal products in December 2009 in comparison to the previous month and December 2008 the growth rate of production of industrial products made accordingly 102,1% and 127,3%. Within 2009 the production of products in industry in comparison to 2008 made 73,4%, including at the enterprises on production of cast iron, steel and ferroalloys – 76,6%, pipes – 65,7%, nonferrous metals – 79,6%, other types of steel preprocessing – 61,7%, end metal products – 61,5%. At 2009 there were smelted 25,7 million tons of cast iron, 15,7 million tons of steel without semi-manufactured articles, received through the continuous casting, 14,6 million tons of semi-manufactured articles received through the continuous casting, are let out there were produced 16,1 million tons of end rolled metal, 1,7 million tons of hollow shapes from black metals.

At the machinery construction enterprises the production index for 2009 made 54,9%, including at the enterprises on production of electric machines and equipment – 75,8%, household devices – 69,6%, control and measuring devices – 52,8%, machines and equipment for mining industry and construction, for agriculture and forest economy, for metallurgy – accordingly 52,1%, 55,1%, 48,7%, railway vehicles – 47,7%, motor transport – 19,1%. In 2009 there were produced 325 thousand of refrigerators and freezers household combined with separate external doors, 164 thousand of clothes washers, 1,4 thousand of tractors for agriculture and forest economy, 910 machine-tools for wood processing, 75 bridge cranes on immobile piers, 65,7 thousand passenger cars, 1,5 thousand busses.

In electricity production and distribution the volumes of production opposite to 2008 decreased by 11,1%. Totally there were produced 172,9 milliard kilowatt-hours of electric power, including by nuclear power plants – 82,9 milliard kilowatt-hours, thermal – 78,1 milliard kilowatt-hours.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
State department for communication and informatization issues
State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.