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20 april 2010

Agricultural sector

Under preliminary estimations, in 2009 the total production of agricultural goods in comparison to 2008 increased by 0,1%, including in agricultural enterprises decreased by 0,6%, in households increased by 0,6%.

Crop production

The volume of crop production in comparison with 2008 decreased by 2,4%, including in agricultural enterprises – by 5,8%, in households of population increased by 0,9%.

For the purposes of 2009 harvest the agricultural cultures were sown at the area of 27,0 million hectares, including by agricultural enterprises – at 19,2 million hectares (71,1%), by the households of population – on 7,8 million hectares (28,9%). Comparatively with 2008 a general sowing area decreased by 0,1 million hectares (by 0,5%).

In 2009 the enterprises of all categories received 46,0 million tons of corn (in weight after completion), including – by agricultural enterprises – 35,8 million tons of corn (78% of the general volume). Gross corn cultures harvest in comparison to 2008 harvest (which was the largest in all history of the country) decreased by 13,7% (due to the decrease of the crop capacity from 1 hectare by 4,9 metric centner, or by 14,2%), however it was considerably larger against average annual production of corn in 2000–2007 (33,3 million tons).

The gross collection of sunflowers made 6,4 million tons and in comparison with 2008 decreased by 2,5% (due to decrease of harvest areas), in particular the agricultural enterprises harvested 5,2 million tons (by 2,1% less), on the average - 15,7 metric centner from 1 hectare, which is almost at the level of 2008 index (99,4%).

The total production of sugar beets (industrial) made 10,0 million tons and in comparison with 2008 decreased by 25,4% both due to reduction of harvest areas (by 15,3%) and substantial decrease of the productivity (from 356,2 metric centner to 313,6 metric centner from 1 hectare); in particular the agricultural enterprises produced 9,1 million tons (by 22,8% less), on the average - 318,7 tons from 1 hectare (in 2008 – 366,1 metric centner).

The rape production made 1,9 million tons, which is 34,8% less in comparison with 2008 (the harvest area decreased by 26,5%, the productivity from 1 hectare reduced by 11,1%). The soya production made 1 million tons, which is 28,3% more than in 2008 (the harvest area increased by 15,7%, productivity – by 11,3%).

In the enterprises of all categories the potato production increased in comparison with 2008 by 0,8% and made 19,7 million tons, vegetables – by 4,2% less (8,3 million tons), which is explained by the growth of the productivity of these crops accordingly by 0,6% and 4,7%. The total production of fruits (1,6 million tons) increased by 7,2%, vine (468,7 thousand tons) – by 12,9% due to growth of the productivity accordingly by 10,1% and 13,0%.

In 2009 the households produced 97% of the general potato harvest, 87% of vegetables, fruits and berries, 22% of corn, 19% of sunflower, 9% of sugar beets (industrial).

For the purposes of 2010 harvest the winter crops and green forage, including rapes were sown on an area of 10,1 million hectares, which exceeds the volume of sowing for the purposes of 2009 harvest by 2,9%, in particular grain crops for the crop – by 8,6 million hectares (by 3,7% more).

Livestock farming

In 2009 the volume of livestock farming products comparatively with 2008, under preliminary estimations increased by 4,2%, in particular by agricultural enterprises – by 10,1%, households – by 0,2%.

In 2009 the enterprises of all categories produced (for slaughter) 2,7 million tons of livestock and poultry (in live weight), which is by 0,2% more in comparison with 2008, 11,6 million tons of milk (by 1,3% less) and 15,9 milliard items of eggs (by 6,0% more). In agricultural enterprises increased the realization of livestock and poultry (for slaughter) (by 5,4%), production of milk (by 7,0%) and eggs (by 9,0%). In households decreased the production of meat (by 4,8%), milk (by 3,1%), but the production of eggs increased (by 2,1%). The share of households in total production of these livestock farming products in 2009 made accordingly 49%, 81% and 42%.

Under estimations, as of 1 January 2010 the total number of livestock of cattle made 4,9 million heads (by 3,2% less than as of 1 January 2009), in particular cows – 2,8 million (by 3,5% less), pigs – 7,1 million (by 9,3% more), sheep and goats – 1,8 million (by 4,1% more), birds of all kinds – 190,5 million heads (by 7,3% more).

The total number of cattle livestock which was kept by the population as of 1 January 2010, on comparison with beginning of January 2009 decreased by 2,0%, in particular, cows – by 3,5%; increased the total number of livestock of pigs (by 1,0%), sheep and goats (by 4,1%), birds of all kinds (by 1,4%). In households as of beginning of January 2010 67% of the total quantity of cattle, in particular, cows – 78%, pigs – 54%, sheep and goats – 83%, birds of all kinds – 48% were kept.

In agricultural enterprises in comparison with 1 January 2009 there is the reduction of quantity of cattle by 5,4%, in particular, cows – by 3,2%; there is the increase of the total number of livestock of pigs (by 20,9%), sheep and goats (by 4,0%) and birds of all kinds (by 13,4%).

In 2009 the volume of cattle and bird growing in agricultural enterprises exceeded by 10,9% the level of 2008, and its correlation to the cattle produced (for slaughter) was 107,8% (in 2008 – 102,6%). The average daily increases of cattle for growing and fattening have 4,5% increase, pigs –3,9%.

As of 1 January 2010 the agricultural enterprises (except for small) in the sphere of livestock farming have 3,3 million tons of forage items of all types, which is 12,1% less than as of beginning 2009, in particular, 1,3 million tons of concentrated forage items (20,6% less). Based on one conditional head of large cattle one head has 7,7 tons of forage of all types, including 3,1 centners of concentrated of forage items (as of 1 January 2009 – accordingly 9,5 centners of forage items and 4,3 centners forage items).


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
State department for communication and informatization issues
State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.