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20 april 2010

Communications and informatization

In 2009 the operators of all types of ownership provided communication services to the amount of UAH 46,1 milliard, including UAH 18 milliard – services to the population.

An ordinary Ukrainian family has spent for communication services on the average in a year about UAH 990, or UAH 83 in a month, in particular, half of expenses – for mobile communication, one fourth – fixed telephone communication, 10% - Internet-services and data transfer, and less than 3% - postal services.

During 2009 UAH 8,3 milliard of capital expenditures were directed to the development of industry, from this sum over UAH 1,1 milliard were disbursed by the enterprises of communication industry managed by the state.

The share of mobile and fixed telephone communication in the common amount of Ukrainian population remained almost unchanged comparatively with 2008 – accordingly 119,8% and 28,4%.

In 2009 computer communication became the most dynamic at the communication services, the profits of these services increased in 2009 by 36% and made over UAH 3,3 milliard.

As of 1 January 2010 Ukraine has over 15,3 million users of Internet which makes third of the total population of Ukraine.

The quantity of subscribers of wide-screen access as of 1 January 2010 is 2,1 million persons, or 11,5% of the total amount of the families in Ukraine.

As from 2009 the surface digital broadcasting in DVB-T package (10 TV-programs) was started in Kyiv and Zhytomyr oblasts. As of beginning of December 2009 all territory of Odesa oblast is covered by the signal of digital surface television. The modern interactive digital television (IPTV) is introduced.

The total amount of subscribers of cable television as of 1 January 2010 was 3,4 million, or 18,7% of the Ukrainian families.

In 2009 the Ukrainian State Enterprise of Postal Services «Ukrposhta» received total income in the amount of UAH 4,7 milliard, including UAH 2,5 milliard – communication services, which is by 25% more than in 2008. The net income of USEPS «Ukrposhta» is UAH 30,3 million. During 2009 over 100 objects of postal communication were capitally repaired, 95 mobile departments of postal services serving 580 communities were introduced, 450 objects of postal services were connected to the of communication network of the enterprise.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
State department for communication and informatization issues
State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.