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Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
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vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
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Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 8436 (other agricultural/horticultural/forestry/poultry or bee keeping machinery parts ...)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 8202 (handsaws & metal parts thereof saw blades)
20 april 2010


In 2009 the economy of Ukraine has inflow of direct foreign investors in the amount of USD 5634,6 million – 51,6% of the inflow in 2008. USD 4016,8 million (71,3% from the total amount) were transferred from EU countries, from the CIS countries – USD 1064,7 million (18,9%), from other countries of the world – UAD553,1 million (9,8%). At the same time the capital of non-residents decreased by USD 941,0 million.

Generally the increase of the combined volume of foreign capital in the Ukrainian economy, taking into account its revaluation, FOREX losses and exchange, in 2009 made USD 4410,4 million – 72,6% from the level of the previous year.

In 2009 we may observe the increase of the capital from the following countries: Cyprus – by USD 947,0 million, Russian Federation – by USD 827,4 million, the Netherlands – by USD 804,6 million, France – by USD 408,9 million and Aruba – by USD 273,6 million. The mentioned countries provided almost 74% of the total amount of the foreign capital inflow in Ukraine.

The foreign capital in this financial year increased at the following enterprises: financial enterprises – by USD 1813,7 million, trade, repair of cars, household devices, items of personal consumption – by USD 537,6 million, operations with real estate, lease, engineering and services provision to the businessman – by USD 451,2 million, and also in the enterprises of industry – by USD 969,3 million, including: processing – by USD 885,1 million. Among the industries of processing industry the amounts of direct foreign investments increased in chemical and petrochemical industry (by USD 255,7 million) and in the production of foods, drinks and tobaccos (by USD 151,3 million).

The general amount of direct foreign investments inflow in Ukraine as of 1 January 2010 made USD 40026,8 million – by 12,4% more in comparison to the amount of investments as of beginning of 2009, and in a calculation on one person made USD 872,6.

Investments were implemented from 125 countries of the world. The top-ten countries-investors (have 81% of the total amount of direct investments inflow to Ukraine) are: Cyprus – USD 8593,2 million, Germany – USD 6613,0 million, the Netherlands – USD 4002,0 million, Russian Federation – USD 2674,6 million, Austria – USD 2604,1 million, United Kingdom – USD 2375,9 million, France – USD 1640,1 million, USA – USD 1387,1 million, British Virgin Islands – USD 1371,0 million and Sweden – USD 1272,3 million.

USD 9021,9 million (22,5% of the total amount of the direct investments to Ukraine) were directed to industry, including: processing – USD 7740,8 million and mining – USD 1128,1 million. The industries of processing industry and production of foods, drinks and of tobaccos received USD 1837,2 million of direct investments, metallurgical production and production of the end metal products – USD 1401,2 million, chemical and petrochemical industry – USD 1205,6 million, machinery construction – USD 1094,1 million., production of other non-metal mineral goods – USD 834,2 million.

The financial institutions accumulated USD 8968,4 million (22,4%) of direct investments, the enterprises of trade, repair of cars, household devices and items of personal consumption – USD 4224,6 million (10,6%), the enterprises in the sphere of real estate, lease, engineering and services provision to businessmen – USD 4065,0 million (10,2%).

19,0 thousand of Ukrainian enterprises submitted reports on existence of direct foreign investments.

As of 1 January 2010 the enterprises of Ukraine received the loans from the direct investors in the amount of USD 6615,2 million, including the loans from the following countries: Cyprus – USD 1848,3 million; the Netherlands – USD 802,2 million, Germany – USD 535,6 million, France – USD 503,4 million; Russian Federation – USD 435,3 million, Austria – USD 351,8 million, United Kingdom – USD 243,4 million, Poland – USD 194,7 million, Sweden – USD 189,7 million and USA – USD 185,4 million.

The total amount of the direct foreign investments, taking into account the borrowed capital, as of 1 January 2010 made USD 46642,0 million.

In 2009 USD 69,8 million of the direct investments were directed from Ukraine to the economies of the other countries of the world. Investing was implemented mainly in the monetary form.

The amount of direct investments from Ukraine to the economy of the world countries, taking into account its revaluation, FOREX losses, as of 1 January 2010 made USD 6223,3 million, including: in the EU countries – USD 5908,3 million (95,0% from the general amount), in the CIS countries – USD 220,1 million (3,5%), in other countries of the world – USD 94,9 million (1,5%).

Direct investments from Ukraine were implemented to a 51 country of the world, primarily to Cyprus.

The sum of loans, provided by Ukrainian residents to the enterprises of the direct investment, as of 1 January 2010 made USD 123,4 million. The total amount of the direct investments in the economy of the other countries of the world, taking into account the borrowed capital, made USD 6346,7 million.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
State department for communication and informatization issues
State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.