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03 april 2012

City of Kiev

Square: 836 sq. km.
Population: 2 814.3 ths. people.

Geographical position

The city is situated in the north of Ukraine along Dnieper river mid-channel. Large Kiev water storage is located above the city of Kiev. Variety of the city natural conditions is connected with its location at the frontier of physiographic zones (forest steppe and mixed forest).

Administrative and territorial division

Kiev is a city of republican submission and correspondingly is a separate administrative subject of Ukraine. At the moment Kiev is a capital city of independent Ukraine and the largest administrative center of the state. Here is the residency of the President, Verkhovna Rada (the Parliament), the Government, ministries and governmental offices of Ukraine.

Embassies of states of the world, including honorary consulates are situated in the city of Kiev. Besides, representative offices of international organizations, like UNO, European Union, International Monetary Fund, Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, and some other organizations and unions were opened here.

Transportation network

Location of Kiev at the crossroads of multiple transportation routes (water, railway, motor road, and air) promotes its economic development and expansion of foreign trade ties. These routes cross Ukraine from the west to the east (from the states of Western and Central Europe to Russia and to the Caucasus) and from the north to the south (from Russia, Belarus, Baltic and Scandinavian states to South-Eastern Europe). Airport Kiev (Zhulyany) operates within the borders of the city and the largest international airport of the state Borispol is in close proximity.

Economic potential

Development of positive tendencies continues in majority of Kiev sectors and industries. Process of market transformations and formation of market environment is deepened. Qualitative shifts in social sphere are also fortified. Constant functioning of labor market is secured.

Financial resources of the city comprised from resources of all budgets, assets of enterprises and organizations, resources of specialized funds, credit resources, and finances of foreign investors are main economical stem of influence for social and economic development.

Powerful economic potential is concentrated in Kiev. It consists of multisectoral industry, construction complex, developed system of communal/public services, vehicles, systems of modern communication, etc.

Natural and recreational potential

Forests, green plantations, and public ponds occupy more than half of the city territory. Unique water and green diameter with the length of 30 km and width of 1,5-5 km embracing water area of the Dnieper river with islands, riverside parks and meadow parks make the basis of the city green plantation system.

Dnieper river is the main water reserve of the city. Rivers Lybid, Syrets, Vita (right attribute of the Dnieper), Gorenka, and Nivka (attribute of Irpen river) also cross the territory of Kiev.

Favorable natural conditions of Kiev stipulated formation and development of two climatic resorts Pushcha-Voditsa and Koncha-Zaspa (resort of state importance).

There are 41 objects of natural reserve zone in Kiev including 14 objects of state importance. These include Botanical garden after academician Fomin, Central republican botanical garden of Academy of Sciences, Syrets dendropark, Zoo, and 9 parks – monuments of landscape architecture.

Historical and cultural potential

There are a lot of historical, cultural, and architectural monuments in Kiev which are carefully preserved by city municipal authorities, restored, and reconstructed. The capital city of Ukraine is saturated with scientific, educational, and cultural establishments more than any other towns of the state.

Kiev is one of the largest scientific centers of Europe. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and majority of its institutes with world-known scientific schools are situated in Kiev.

Kiev has essential cultural potential: 31 museums, 33 theaters, and a number of standing art exhibition. The most famous museums are National museum of Ukraine’s history, Museum of Ukrainian fine art, and Museum of Western and Eastern arts.

Historical part of the city occupies more than 6 ths. ha. Three state reserves are concentrated in central historical part of the city: State historical and architectural reserve Ancient Kiev, National reserve Sophia Kiev, and Kievo-Pecherskiy national historical and architectural reserve. Besides, there are 6 architectural and 8 archeological reserves in the city. Ukrainian state protects 3,736 monuments of archeology, history, architecture, town planning, and monumental arts. 243 monuments have the status of state importance monuments, including 51 monuments of international importance (as defined by UNESCO).


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Kiev city state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine