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03 april 2012

Chernovtsy region

Square: 8.1 ths. sq. km.
Center of the region: town of Chernovtsy.
Administrative and territorial division: 11 districts.
Population: 905.3 ths. people.

Geographical position

The region is located in the west of Ukraine in foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and in the east of the Carpathians. Flat part of the region is occupied with Khotin height. Pokutsko-Bukovinskiye Carpathian Mountains and several small mountain ridges are situated in the south-west of the region. Forests and bushes occupy 31.6% of the territory. Dnestr, as well as Prut with Cheremosh and Siret are main rivers of the region.

Transportation network

Chernovtsy region has rather favorable transportation and geographical position. It possesses quite dense network of railroads automobile roads, pipelines, and electric mains. The center of the region is connected with the following European capital cities by railroad: Bucharest, Sofia, Belgrade, and Moscow. Chernovtsy is the main railway junction. There is an airport in Chernovtsy town.

Economic potential

Pursuant to its sectoral pattern, the region is included in industrial and agrarian category. Economic activities of the region are characterized with stable growth of various indices over the last few years. It took place due to active support of traditional kinds of activities. Industry and agriculture occupy a leading place in economy of the region.

Production of oil and gas processing equipment leads the way in machine building, output of lumber, plywood, and furniture in wood processing industry, manufacturing of bricks, tar paper, ceramics, and reinforced concrete framings in construction materials’ industry, output of ready-made garments and knitworks in light industry, production of sugar, bakery, alcohol, sunflower oil, meat, milk, as well as fruit and vegetable cans in food industry.

Forests play an important role in economic and social development of the region. The total area of forests amounts to 258 ths. ha. Firs, beeches, silver firs, and oaks are main breeds of trees in forests. Average age of plants is 60 years.

Export and import operations of regional business companies with foreign states prevail in foreign economic relations. Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Poland remain main trade partners of the region. Pattern of commodities’ export and import influences efficiency of foreign economic relations.

The following items prevail in the total export pattern: textile and articles, timber and wooden articles, machines and equipment, vegetative products, base metals and articles, meat, and edible by-products. The following items prevail in import pattern: textile and textile articles, machines and equipment, mineral products, polymeric materials, plastics, base metals and articles.

The following states are leaders by volumes of investments to the economy of the region: the USA, Israel, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Cyprus, and Virgin Islands.

Natural and recreational potential

Well-known deposits of curative muds and springs of mineral waters in Glybokskiy, Storozhinetskiy, Putilskiy, and Vizhnitskiy districts provide favorable conditions for treatment. There is Brusnitsa resort in the region.

Mineral resources of Chernovtsy region include springs of mineral waters and deposits of muds. There are more than 60 springs of mineral waters of Izhevskaya, Matsesta, Borzomi, and Naftusya types.

Soils in the region are mainly represented by brown forest soils and sod-podzol earths.

The region is rich in deposits of construction materials (gypsum, anhydride, marl, and limestone), different types of sand, and springs of mineral water. Recently explored oil and gas containing deposits as well as manifestations of gold bearing along with copper pyrite and polymetallic mineralization also attract attention.

Climate in the region is moderate continental. Average temperature in January reaches -6 ?С and in July +17 ?С. Rainfall amounts to 650-750 mm.

Historical and cultural potential

The following are the most interesting tourist objects: fortress of XIII-XVIII centuries in Khotin, architectural monuments – Nikolay/St. Nicholas church (1607), Voznesenskaya/Ascension church (XVII century), Spiridonovskaya church (1715), Rozhdestva/Christmas church (1767), Uspeniya na Kalichanke/Assumption at Kalichanka church (1783) in Chernovtsy, Vozhnesenskaya/Ascension church of XV century in Luzhany, Ilyinskaya/Elias church with bell tower (1560), complex of Bukovina and Dalmatian metropolitan residence (1864-1882) being a university at the moment, ruins of fortification redoubts of Russian troops of Russian-Turkish war period (1768-1774), three-tier cave Zolushka/Cinderella with gallery and interior framing near the village of Podvornoye, monuments of landscape architecture in the town of Chernovtsy, etc.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Chernovtsy regional state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine