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03 april 2012

Chernigov region

Square: 31.9 ths. sq. km.
Center of the region: town of Chernigov.
Administrative and territorial division: 22 districts.
Population: 1 088.5 ths. people.

Geographical position

The region is situated in the north of Ukraine on the left bank of the Dnieper mid-channel. Desna is the main river. Favorable economical and geographic position of the region is mainly determined by its transboundary status. It borders on Russia and Belarus. The region borders on Sumy, Poltava, and Kiev regions in the east and south.

Transportation network

Nezhin, Bakhmach, Chernigov, and Priluki are the main railway junctions. Desna and Dnieper river are intensively navigable. Chernigov is connected by air with many large cities of Ukraine.

Economic potential

Industrial and agrarian pattern of economy. Food, fuel, machine building, metal working, wood processing, pulp and paper, as well as light industries are among priorities. Chernigov region accounts for more than 80% of state wool fabric and wall paper production, 30% of chemical fiber and man-made yarn, and 20% of oil extraction. The region is the only place in Ukraine where fire engines, cord fabric for manufacturing of tires, fibrous casing for food industry, and certain machinery for agroindustrial complex are produced.

Food industry and processing of agricultural produce dominates in industrial complex of the region. This sector unites more than 100 companies manufacturing half of regional gross industrial product.

The region is known in the state as one of the largest suppliers of potatoes, sugar, bread, articles of cattle breeding, as well as honey, fruits, flax, and famous Nezhin cucumbers. Regional agriculture by practically 100% meets food needs of the population (except for vegetable oil and fish products) and has significant export capacities.

Companies and organizations of the region are involved in foreign trade with more than 80 countries of the world.

Textile, textile articles, paper, cardboard, output of cattle breeding and foodstuffs lead the way in export pattern of the region. Approximately half of export is destined to the CIS states and one third is supplied to Europe.

Raw stock and output of food industry, tobacco, machines and equipment, as well as paper and cardboard dominate in the import pattern.

Natural and recreational potential

The region boasts with rich flora and fauna, oak and pine tree forests, broad meadows of flat quiet pools, as well as generous hunting and fishing grounds. It hosts unrivaled curative riches: iodinated Desna river water, the only in Ukraine deposit of curative mineral bischofite, and reserves of curative mineral waters.

Practically each tenth reserve object of Ukraine is situated in this wonderful Polesye /woodland area. Approximately 650 natural reserve objects with the total area exceeding 220 ths. ha are preserved here.

Combination of historical and cultural heritage with unique natural value is peculiar for many reserve objects of Chernigov region. Kachanovskiy and Sokirinskiy parks as well as Trostyanetskiy dendropark are among outstanding monuments of landscape architecture.

Chernigov region is rich in mineral raw stock. There are deposits of glass sands and oil fields of national importance. Oil-gas condensate fields have been explored. Chalk deposit in Novgorod-Severskiy district and deposits of brick raw stock all over the territory of the region are of great industrial value.

Climate is temperate continental. Average temperature in January reaches -7 ?С, and in July +19.3 ?С. Average annual rainfalls amount to 550-600 mm.

Historical and cultural potential

Chernigov region is known by numerous unique historical and architectural monuments of Prince and Cossack epochs. More than 200 of them are of world importance and evidence outstanding role of Chernigov Principality in formation of Kievan Rus and Ukrainian statehood. The following are the most interesting tourist objects: Borisoglebskiy cathedral of XII century, Antonievy caves of XI–XVIII centuries, Regimental treasure house of early XVIII century, Spaso-Preobrazhenskiy/Savior and Transfiguration cathedral, Nikolayevskaya/St. Nicholas church of 1720, Rozhdestva/Christmas cathedral of 1800, Gustinskiy Svyato-Troitskiy/Saint Trinity monastery of 1600, historical and cultural reserve Kachanovka (area of the park is 560 ha, area of lakes and ponds at Smozh river is 100 ha, palace complex), Georgievskaya/St. George church of XIX century, Glinka’s pavilion with grotto, Trostyanetskiy dendropark of XIX century with unique plant collection, Sokirinskiy palace and park ensemble of XIX century, cave cathedral of Saint Pheodosiy Totemskiy, Chernigov collegium of XVII–XVIIІ centuries, burial mound necropolis of IX–Х centuries, and Chernaya mogila/Black grave of Х century.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Chernigov regional state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine