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03 april 2012

Khmelnitskiy region

Square: 20.6 ths. sq. km.
Center of the region: town of Khmelnitskiy.
Administrative and territorial division: 20 districts.
Population – 1 320.2 ths. people.

Geographical position

The region is situated in western part of Ukraine, mainly in forest and steppe zone. Forests occupy 270.2 ths. ha. Relief of the region is mostly undulating plain. Northern part of the region is located in borders of Volyn eminence and the rest territory – in limits of Podolye eminence. Dniestr, Yuzhnyi Bugh, and heads of Goryn and Sluch rivers are main rivers.

Transportation network

Khmelnitskiy region has well developed transportation network. Its position at transportation corridors connecting main industrial regions of Ukraine (capital city, Kharkov, region, Pridneprovye, and Donbass) and Russia, as well as Black sea ports with western Ukrainian regions and countries of Central and Eastern Europe are of great importance.

Railway and a number of motor highways to Belarus, Baltic states, Moldova, and states of South-Eastern Europe cross the territory of the region from the north to the south.

Economic potential

Machine building and metal work occupy important place among sectors of industry. Enterprises of this industry manufacture tools, forge and press machines, transformers, agricultural machines for plant growing, technical equipment for processing sectors of agroindustrial complex, cable, and electric devices.

Food industry occupies a leading place. Volumes of its production constitute 35.4% of the aggregate regional production volumes. Food industry is represented by sugar, bread and bakery, confectionery, pasta, canned vegetables, meat packing, dairy, alcohol, beer, cereals and flour, tobacco, and other sectors. Khmelnitskiy region is one of the most important centers of sugar production in Ukraine.

Electric power engineering is very important in development of regional economy. Khmelnitskaya nuclear power plant operates in the town of Neteshin. It is included into electric power system of Ukraine and states of Central Europe. The share of power engineering is 34.2% in the gross pattern of industrial production volumes.

Almost 4% of all agricultural lands of Ukraine are situated in Khmelnitskiy region. Plant growing is a leader among industries of agriculture. Grain crops occupy the largest sown areas in the region (with winter wheat as a leading crop). Also barley, pea, oats, buckwheat, corn, and other crops are grown here. Khmelnitskiy region is one of the most important regions of sugar beet growing. Growing of potatoes is the most important sector of plant growing. Podolye is a land of orcharding. Main fruit trees are apples, pears, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, and walnuts. Most orchards are concentrated in Pridnestrovye (near Dniester river territory).

Cattle breeding in the region is based on arable fodder cropping, natural pastures, wastes of food industry, and manufacturing of combined fodder. The most important industries are meat and dairy cattle breeding and pig raising. Poultry raising, sheep raising, breeding of rabbits, beekeeping, and fishing are also developed.

Period of market relations’ formation in the region is characterized by stirring up of foreign economic activities. Volumes of export and import in the region have grown over the last few years. Khmelnitskiy region established relations with partners from 84 states of the world, list of which is constantly expanding. Significant turnover volumes are traced in trade with Russia, Germany, and Belarus.

More than one third of export is represented by live cattle and production of cattle breeding. The following articles are also exported: machines and equipment, production of food industry, agricultural produce, paper goods, and construction materials.

Vehicles and spare parts, electrical equipment, TV and radio equipment, mineral products, plastics, and caoutchouc are mainly imported.

Natural and recreational potential

There are 269 territories and objects of natural reserve fund: National natural park Podolskiye Tovtry, 39 game reserves, 198 natural monuments, Kamenets-Podolskiy botanical garden and dendropark, 7 natural landmarks, and 24 monuments of landscape architecture. Favorable climatic conditions, forest tracts, and springs of mineral waters are natural recreational resources of the region. Resort Sataniv was created on their basis.

Climate in the region is moderate continental. Average temperature in January reaches -5 ?С, and in July +19 ?С.

Historical and cultural potential

The following are the most interesting tourist objects: National historical and architectural reserve Kamenets in the town of Kamenets-Podolskiy, where fortifications of ХІV–ХVІ centuries can be found: Goncharnaya/Pottery, Kravetskaya/Tailor, Kushnirskaya, Papskaya, and other towers, Russkiye/Russian and Polskiye/Polish gates of ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries, Petra and Pavla/Peter and Paul church of ХVІ century, Gothic Roman Catholic church of ХVІ century, Turkish minaret of 1672–1692, city hall of ХVІ century, triumphal arch of ХVІІІ century, wooden Krestovozdvizhenskaya/Exaltation of the Cross church in Karvasary of ХVІІІ century, monasteries of ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries, catholic churches, palaces, ruins of fortresses, and other monuments.

Culture of Khmelnitskiy region is unique. It absorbed spiritual heritage of not only Ukrainian people, but also Russian, Polish, Jewish, Armenian, and Moldovan people due to different historical circumstances.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Khmelnitskiy regional state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine