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03 april 2012

Kherson region

Square: 28.5 ths. sq. km.
Center of the region: town of Kherson.
Administrative and territorial division: 18 districts.
Population: 1 083.4 ths. people.

Geographical position

The region is situated in the south of Ukraine in Prichernomorskaya lowland, in steppe zone in Dnieper river undercurrent. It is washed by the Black and Azov seas, as well as Sivash (Gniloye/Rotten sea), and Kakhovskoye water storage. Dnieper river as well as 19 small rivers cross the region. Kherson region borders on Zaporozhye region in the east, Nikolayev region in the north-west, Dnepropetrovsk region in the north, and Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the south.

Transportation network

There are following means of transportation in Kherson region: railway, sea, river, and road. Main sea ports are Kherson and Skadovsk. Freight and passenger navigation through Dnieper river is of significant importance. Road transportation is well developed. Center of the region is connected with a lot of large Ukrainian towns by air.

Economic potential

Kherson region is an industrial and agrarian territory with highly developed agriculture and multisectoral industry. Food industry, machine building, metal work, and electric power engineering are the weightiest in pattern of regional industrial manufacturing. The share of foodstuffs makes 66% in pattern of consumer goods production.

Area of agricultural lands (of all commodity producers, including private households) is 1,968.5 ths. ha, including 1,776.1 ths. ha of arable lands. Main plant growing sectors are cultivation of grain crops, sunflower seeds, and vegetable. Cattle breeding, pig and sheep raising lead the way in the livestock sector.

Local and foreign investors start to pay more attention to agroindustrial complex of Kherson region. Tendency of increasing capital investments into agriculture and companies growing and processing agricultural produce has been traced over the few last years. Foreign investments into agrarian sector destined from 15 states. Cyprus, Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Estonia, and Germany are among major investors.

A number of measures is taken in the region to create attractive investment climate and promote investments into agriculture of the region. Growing of fruits, vegetables, melons and gourds, and development of cattle breeding sector remain to be attractive for investors. Growing of vine allows to get wine base that is equal in quality with raw stock grown in famous French vineyards.

Natural and recreational potential

Reserves of the region are steppe Askania-Nova, Chernomorskiy, Azovo-Sivash reserve game husbandry, Gopri (Golaya Pristan) - a mud resort of steppe climatic zone at the left bank of river Konka. Skadovsk is a resort zone on the Black sea shore. There are a lot of curative and sport establishments.

Soils of the region are mainly black earths and dark chestnut earths.

Entrails of the region are rich in cement and brick and tile cays, glass sands, marl, limestone, salt, peat, and gas.

Climate of the region is moderately continental. Air masses from North Africa, Asia Minor, and the Balkan Peninsula enter here in summer and masses of Arctic air in winter. It conditions early autumn and late spring. Summer is hot and dry. Sometimes black storms occur. Winter is mostly warm with low snow. Autumn and spring are dry and sunny. Average temperature in January reaches -4 ?С and in July +22.5 ?С. It is possible to swim in seas from June to October. Rainfall amounts to 350-500 mm.

Historical and cultural potential

The following are the most interesting tourist objects: Greko-Sofievskaya/Greek and Sophia church (1780), Arsenal (1784), monument to English doctor Govard (1820), Svyatodukhovskiy/the Holy Spirit cathedral (1836), Katerininskiy/St. Katherine cathedral (1786), Ochakovskiye vorota/gates (XVIII century), Grigorievskiy monastery (1781-1803), ancient burial mounds, grave of the last ataman Kost' Gordienko (1733), ruins of the last Cossack Sech, ruins of Tyagin fortress (XV-XVIII centuries), museum of nature at Chernomorskiy biosphere reserve, Korsun monastery (end of XVIII century), and “Legendary cart” (1967).

There are 69 territories and objects of natural reserve and cultural and historical fund, 2 biosphere reserves, 5 game reserves, dendrological park Askania-Nova (all these objects of state importance), 32 natural monuments, 12 parks – monuments of landscape architecture, and 10 natural landmarks.

A lot of cultural and art events were instituted in Kherson region lately. They are spoken about both in Ukraine and abroad. Fests and contests of different levels gather masters of word, song, music, and brush.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Kherson regional state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine