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03 april 2012

Kharkov region

Square: 31.4 ths. sq. km.
Center of the region: city of Kharkov.
Administrative and territorial division: 27 districts.
Population – 2 742.2 ths. people.

Geographical position

The region is situated in the north-east of Ukraine in forest and steppe and steppe zones. The territory of the region is flat. Major part of the region is situated within the borders of Pridneprovskaya lowland. Spurs of Srednerusskaya height can be found in the north and north-east and spurs of Donetskaya height in the south-east. Severskiy Donets with tributaries is the main river of the region.

Transportation network

International highways Kiev-Kharkov-Rostov and Moscow-Simferopol cross the territory of the region. Kharkov and Lozovaya are large railway junctions. There is an airport and underground in the city of Kharkov.

Economic potential

Well-developed and diverse infrastructure strengthens economic potential of the region.

Kharkov region is a leader in Ukraine’s machine building. Powerful tractor building complex has been formed in the region. Manufacturing of power-generating equipment, aircraft construction, machine-tool construction, fuel, radio electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and light industries occupy an important place in the region.

Unique scientific and industrial pharmaceutical potential directed at research, development, and production of medicinal preparations is concentrated in Kharkov region. Pharmaceutical enterprises of Kharkov region produce more than 40% of all medicine in Ukraine. Some of them (vaccines and serums) are produced exclusively at the territory of the region.

Specialization of the region in chemical industry is manufacturing of consumer goods (plastic articles, household chemical goods, enamels, and paints), and chemical plant protection agents.

Light industry of the region is represented by almost 500 companies of medium and small business producing wide assortment of output: overcoats, fabrics, footwear, headwear, knitwork, hosiery, ready-made garments, carpets, blankets, leather goods, etc.

Facilities of food and processing industries’ enterprises supply needs of the region in bakery, meat, and dairy output. There is significant export potential in production of confectionery, milk cans, alcoholic beverages, oil and fat output, and sugar sand.

Fuel and power generating complex of Kharkov region is a leader in Ukraine by volume of energy resources (gas and gas condensate) and volume of electric energy generation.

Peculiarities of fuel and power generating complex of the region are conditioned by two factors:

  • first of all, the region extracts almost 40% of Ukraine’s gas:
  • secondly, power generating system of the region is mainly secured by own generating capacities.

More than 700 market type farms make the basis of Kharkov region agricultural production. Area of arable lands is 1.9 mn ha. Kharkov region can be singled out from other regions of Ukraine by larger volumes of grain, sugar beet, sunflower, vegetables, potato production and high level of meat and dairy cattle breeding development.

More than one third of regional direct investments are concentrated at industrial companies of the region.

Favorable climatic conditions, rich natural resources, as well as convenient geographical location at the crossing of Eastern Europe roads secure advantages of the region in foreign trade.

Natural and recreational potential

There are 135 territories and objects of natural reserve fund including 2 wildlife reserves, botanical garden and Zoo in the city of Kharkov, and 4 parks – monuments of landscape architecture of state importance and 81 wildlife refuges, 39 natural monuments, 1 park – monument of landscape architecture, and 6 natural landmarks of local importance. Favorable climatic conditions, picturesque landscapes, and springs of mineral waters constitute regional recreational resources on the basis of which resorts Berezovskiye Mineralnye Vody/Mineral Waters and Ray-Olenevka were created.

There are deposits of natural gas, oil fields, essential reserves of brown coal and coal, and iron ore. Combustible gas is produced in the region. Sedimentary deposits of construction materials are frequent here (sand, clay, chalk, and limestone). There are mineral water springs as well.

Soils are mainly represented by typical medium-humic humus black earths.

Climate in the region is moderate continental. Average temperature in January reaches -7 ?С, and in July +21 ?С. Average annual rainfalls amount to 550-600 mm.

Historical and cultural potential

The following are the most interesting tourist objects: memorial complex of Grigoriy Skovoroda, Ukrainian philosopher and enlightener in the village of Skovorodinovka, Pokrovskiy/Protection cathedral of 1689, Uspenskiy/Assumption cathedral of 1771, Katherininskiy palace of ХVІІІ century, art and memorial museum of artist Repin, Preobrazhenskiy/Transfiguration cathedral of ХVІІ century, Nikolayevskaya/St. Nicholas church of ХІХ century in the town of Izyum, etc.

Kharkov region is a place of setting up and conducting of multiple national and international contests and festivals.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Kharkov regional state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine