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03 april 2012

Dnepropetrovsk region

Square: 31.9 ths. sq. km.
Regional center: city of Dnepropetrovsk.
Administrative and territorial division: 22 districts.
Population: 3 320.3 ths. people.

Geographical position

The region is situated in the south-eastern part of Ukraine on the shores of the Dnieper river (in the middle of its current). Dnieper is the main river that crosses the region from the north-west to the south-east and divides the region into practically equal parts.


The region borders on Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, Nikolayev, Poltava, Kharkov, and Kherson regions.

Transportation network

The region features developed transportation network. Its railways are most heavy worked in Ukraine. Practically all settlements in the region are connected by motor roads. Dnepropetrovsk city is connected by air with all large cities of Ukraine and with a lot of foreign countries. Freight and passenger navigation by the Dnieper and in the undercurrent of Samara river are of great importance.

Economic potential

The region boasts with very powerful industrial potential characterized with high level of heavy industry development. Approximately 16.9% of all industrial produce of Ukraine is produced in Dnepropetrovsk region.

Dnepropetrovsk region is one of the biggest industrial regions in Ukraine. It is characterized by a highly developed heavy industry.

Enterprises of mountain-metallurgical complex of region produce 100% of marketable manganese ore, approximately 80% of iron ore, 75% of pipes, 35% of rolled stock, 37% of cast iron, 32% steel, 28% of coke of the total amount made in Ukraine. The large part of this production is certified and it corresponds to world level of quality.

The following are the main directions of the region agriculture development: growing of grain crops, sunflower seeds, sugar beet, fodder, vegetables, and cattle breeding.

Natural and recreational potential

The region is located in steppe and forest-steppe physiographic zones (forests occupy 3.9% of the region’s territory). Average temperature in January reaches -5-7 ?С, and in July +22-23 ?С. Average precipitation is 400-490 mm. Dnepropetrovsk region has rich flora and fauna. The vegetable kingdom enumerates more than 1,700 species, while animal kingdom numbers more than 7,500 kinds (elk, wild boar, dappled deer, fallow-deer, roe deer, hare, fox, wolf, etc.). There are 114 natural reserve objects with the total area about 26 ths. ha in the region.

City of Dnepropetrovsk situated on the both banks of the Dnieper river in south-eastern part of Ukraine is the center of the region. Mild climate, boundless steppes with fertile black earths and rich grass, powerful full-flowing Dnieper with picturesque islands, peaceful sloughs, and stretches, magnificent water meadows, shady oak forests in river valleys and steppe gullies, as well as a lot of animals, birds, and fish attracted hunters, fishermen, cattle breeders, and grain growers to these places since ancient times.

Mild climate, mineral springs, and curative muds of Dnepropetrovsk region create conditions for treatment and rest.

Historical and cultural potential

The following monuments in the region are the most important: cultural and architectural monuments in Starye Kodaki, places of battles between Cossack troops and Polish gentry near Zheltye Vody and Knyazhye Bairaki, historical and architectural monuments in Dnepropetrovsk; Scythian burial mounds of IV century BC, places of Cossack Sich (camp) location, and museum of folk art in Petrikovka. The most interesting tourist objects: Palace of Prince Potemkin (1790); Nikolayevskaya/St. Nicholas church and Preobrazhenskiy/Transfiguration cathedral (XIX century); Cossack fortress (1635); grave of hetman (1680); Troitskiy/Trinity cathedral (1773–1780); Samarskiy cathedral (1786); museum of applied art of Petrikovskiy ornament; Varvarinskaya church with a bell tower (1754); fortification of Ukrainian line (1731); Voznesenskaya/Ascension church (1823), ancient burial mounds and grounds; as well as theatres, philharmonic societies, and museums.


The following materials were used for preparation of the article:
Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine