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Commodity group code: 2005 (other vegetables not frozen & prepared or preserved but not by vinegar or acetic ...)
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Commodity group code: 3215 (printing ink, writing or drawing ink and other inks, whether or not concentrated ...)
29 march 2010 15:26 USD 4-5 billion may be drawn through eurobonds in 2010 - expert
This year the volume of money drawn in Ukraine through the issue of eurobonds may reach about USD 4-5 billion, says Ihor Mazepa, director general of investment company Concorde Capital.

"The sovereign eurobond is USD 1-1.5 billion. A couple of corporate issues may bring about USD 0.5-1 billion each. Plus smaller issues. I.e., it is possible to talk about USD 4-5 billion of money drawn through debt instruments like eurobonds," he said.

The expert says that in the nearest future debt financing will be the most profitable means of drawing funds for Ukrainian companies.