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Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 7204 (ferrous waste & scrap remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel)
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Commodity group code: 3820 (antifreezing preparations and prepared deicing fluids)
29 march 2010 15:29 Russia to help Ukraine host Euro-2012
Ukraine and Russia intend in April in Moscow to agree on cooperation while preparation for the European soccer championship in 2012, which will take place in Ukraine and Poland, and for the XXII Winter Olympic Games 2014, which will be held in Sochi (Russia).

"All land routes to the Sochi 2014 are through Ukraine. Therefore, in April in Moscow the intergovernmental negotiations will be held, where the transport corridor and the union of efforts of Ukraine and the Russian Federation twill be discussed to prepare for the Euro 2012 and Sochi-2014", said Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Borys Kolesnikov during his working visit to the Donetsk Region.

According to Borys Kolesnikov, one of the elements of cooperation between Russia and Ukraine will be increase in the number of lanes on the highway Donetsk - Amvrosiivka - checkpoint Uspenka, then going to Rostov-na-Donu (Russia) in order to avoid problems when fans and tourists move in both directions.

Vice Prime Minister also said that the cost of construction of 1 km of the road will be US $5 mn, Ukrainian News reports.
