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20 april 2010 14:48 Ukraine, Russia still on gas price talks
Ukraine's Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Boiko and NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine CEO Yevhen Bakulin are holding meetings in Moscow at the central office of JSC Gazprom, according to UKRINFORM.

As Gazprom's press office said, Boiko and Bakulin met Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller. "The meeting participants further considered the parties' cooperation in the framework of long-term contracts for gas supply and transit. In particular, they discussed issues related to the price parameters of the contract of sale of Russian gas," Gazprom confirmed.

As UKRINFORM reported, Ukraine currently buys gas at an average price of USD 337 per 1,000 cubic meters. In the first quarter it was USD 305, and in the second quarter the price increased to USD 330.

To reduce the price Naftogaz of Ukraine agreed to increase the purchases of gas in Russia in 2010 from 27 billion to 36.5 billion cubic meters.
