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28 april 2010 11:50 Budget 2010 deficit will make up about USD 7bln
The Cabinet proposes the Parliament to adopt the state budget 2010 with a deficit of UAH 56.104 billion (USD 1/UAH 7.925), the draft state budget reads that was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada.

The document proposes to determine revenues of the state budget at UAH 267.451 billion, including revenues of the general fund - to the amount of UAH 218.691billion and revenues of the state budget's special fund - to the amount of 48.760 billion.

It is also envisaged to approve the budget expenses at UAH 323.556 billion, including expenses of the general fund - at UAH 244.026 billion and expenses of special fund - to the amount of UAH 79.529 billion.

The government proposes to set for December 31, 2010, the boundary volume of the debt at UAH 308.315billion.

Earlier, Finance Minister Fedir Yaroshenko stated that the budget deficit 2010 will make up 5%.