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vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
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Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 0202 (meat of bovine animals, frozen beef, veal)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 3909 (amino-resins, phenolics & polyurethanes in primary form)
29 april 2010 10:34 Russia has a new interest in the Ukrainian energy market
Russia is still interested in entering the retail gas market in Ukraine. , Said Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko.

It is recalled that the Russian company Gazprom in Ukraine, there is 100% subsidiary of Gazprom sale Philippines. It is through this company considered the possibility of delivery of Russian gas. "We planned that certain volumes of gas delivered to Ukraine at a discount, can go through this" daughter ", - he said. According to the Russian minister, it would be beneficial for Ukraine, which will get cheaper gas. In addition, this scheme is beneficial for most Gazprom, who will be able to expand its network and enter the retail market in the country.

Nevertheless, Shmatko stressed that the question of the presence of Gazprom in the retail gas market of Ukraine has been indispensable Russia at the conclusion of agreements with Ukraine. The Minister stressed that it was "a kind of negotiating position."

He recalled that Ukraine is also discussing the possibility of enhancing the joint consortium to build new sections of pipeline in the gas transportation system of Ukraine. "We have an international consortium to manage the creation of new sections of pipelines. On this basis, we could expand the theme of modernization and transit of gas. We decided that we have this consortium (to build new gas stations) enlivens "- the Russian minister said. Shmatko said that Ukraine and Russia are preparing a plan for the prospective development of this consortium.
