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05 may 2010 11:54 EU loaded Ukraine assignment on 6 pages
Ukraine has received from the European Commission in the form of transfer prechnya of the 18 reforms, implementation of which will provide an opportunity to attract additional financial assistance to Ukraine from the European Union. It is reported online edition of the "EUobserver".

Available in 6 page contains specific activities and possible EU assistance in response to their implementation. The list includes political reforms to ensure macro-financial stability, business climate, energy sector reform, civil aviation and the environment.

The newspaper said the reason for creating a list of reforms was the desire to ensure that the "friendly to Moscow," President Viktor Yanukovych, who recently signed a controversial agreement with Russia to reduce gas prices in exchange for an extension of a 25-year tenure in the Crimea, Black Sea Fleet of Russia did not only the declared intention of approaching the EU, but also engaged in implementation of a program of integration reforms.

According to EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan FГјle, which he delivered on April 28, speaking at the European Parliament, the list of reforms will not substitute for the Association Agreement, but will help Ukraine to conclude it.

The publication notes that the list of reforms, the European Commission included specific proposals. In particular, the intention to provide macro-financial assistance to Ukraine, amounting to 610 million euros after the resumption of cooperation with the IMF, 10 million euros - to reform the judicial system of Ukraine to ensure the independence of judges, and modernizing the transmission system can attract significant investment from Europe up to 2,5 billion euros. According FГјle, the list should be an instrument of "political direction" for the new Ukrainian government.
