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Commodity group code: 8423 (weighing machinery (excluding specific balances), weight-operated counting or ch ...)
05 may 2010 12:03 Between Ukraine and Russia soon will run the boundary
Ukraine and Russia are planning to soon sign an agreement on the demarcation of the Russian-Ukrainian land border. This official said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Andrey Nesterenko.

According to him, states are working on a draft bilateral agreement, which will be signed shortly. According to Nesterenko, a document intended to create a legal basis for the demarcation of the land area of the joint border.

The diplomat stressed that "the conclusion of the agreement became possible after a significant normalization of relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine in recent months." At the same time, Nesterenko said that the future agreement will not differ from similar agreements signed with other countries. He also said that after the entry into force of this treaty will set up a special bilateral commission, which will demarcate the border on the ground.
