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05 may 2010 12:06 Ukraine finally said goodbye to NATO
In the foreseeable future, Ukraine and Georgia will not become members of NATO. This is the opinion of Russia's permanent representative to NATO Dmitry Rogozin.

"The agreement reached in Kharkov in Sevastopol - this is a statement of the fact that in the medium and even long term, Ukraine is not going to join NATO" - said Rogozin during the teleconference from Brussels, writes the correspondent.

However, the politician found it difficult to predict the course of Ukraine after the expiry of the Russian-Ukrainian agreements on Sevastopol, but expressed the view that by that time, NATO can stop there.

"I was young then if he wants the young Ukrainian democracy link its fate with the pensioner - do not understand" - said Russia's permanent representative to NATO.

Speaking about prospects for Georgia's accession to the alliance, Rogozin said that the main question remains, however, in which the boundaries of Georgia is going to do it: "I think that Georgia's prospects of joining NATO, no.

"Georgia can not be a member of NATO, for one simple reason - or NATO should recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia or Georgia, must be taken within the old borders as defined by Stalin, along with South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It is unthinkable configuration, squiggle, which does not straightened ", - explained the Russian politician.

At the same time, he suggested that NATO will continue its cooperation with Georgia, which, in particular, sends its soldiers to Afghanistan. "I think the Georgians will be used as long as possible", - said Rogozin

As is known, previously Russia's permanent representative to NATO said that the ratification of Russia-Ukraine agreements on the extension before the 2042 date-based Black Sea Fleet in Crimea to Kiev closes the door to NATO.
