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13 may 2010 15:22 Ukraine and Poland have begun to border management
At the Ukrainian-Polish border, work began on construction of border checkpoints within the framework of preparations for Euro 2012. The first will be rebuilt item Budomezh-pear.

Infrastructure automobile checkpoint here will be built with the Polish side granitsy.Mezhdunarodnymi agreements provided for joint Ukrainian-Polish customs and border control, which would reduce the time of crossing the border.

The Poles are willing to spend on the restructuring of paragraph Budomezh-Pears $ 45 million, of which $ 13 million - to help the EU within the ENP. After the reconstruction here will be operating 16 lanes in both directions. Their capacity will be 3 thousand vehicles a day.

From the Ukrainian side of the border at the checkpoint will be constructed to service facilities and rebuilt the road infrastructure. Told journalists the head of main department of architecture and construction of Lviv Regional State Administration Stepan Looky. He stressed that this project is a state program of preparation for the championship in football.

In general, until 2012, when our countries will be football in Europe, must be constructed in three checkpoint. Two of them will stay in Poland, one - on the Ukrainian side. In this case the international agreements in the future provides for construction of six posts with the parity distribution - three from the Ukrainian and three from the Polish side.

According to Looky, new checkpoints should reduce the burden on already existing and shorten queues at the border. After all, over 500 km of the total Ukrainian-Polish border is functioning only 6 car and 6 railway crossing points, which do not meet any international standards.
