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13 may 2010 15:23 Europe believes in the Ukrainian freedom of speech
The European Commission does not have the facts of censorship in Ukraine.

Said head of the European Commission in Ukraine, Jose Manuel Pinto Teixeira at a press conference in Kiev. We receive reports of infringement of freedom of speech in Ukraine, but, unfortunately, we have no actual examples that we could track down "- he said. Head of the European Commission stressed that the press in Ukraine is controlled by certain economic groups, "and this, in fact, determined and freedom of speech."

"I am very sorry that in recent years, Ukraine has not fulfilled its obligations, and so it was not created by public broadcasting. Today we hear that the representatives of the previous government did not have equal access to media. This equal access could provide a public TV, if it would have been created ", - he said.

In turn People's Deputy of WP Elena Bondarenko stated that the censorship should investigate the Ukrainian prosecutor's office, rather than foreign structure. "The prosecutor's office, we have for what it is. The other is not, and it must react, not to protect journalists through phony foreign money through the "Reporters without borders", - said the deputy. Bondarenko also noted that censorship in Ukraine was observed during the "orange" government, but these facts are ignored Kyiv journalists .
