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Commodity group code: 8207 (interchangeable tools for handtools or machinetools for..pressing, stamping, pun ...)
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Commodity group code: 2833 (sulfates alums peroxosulfates (persulfates))
21 may 2010 12:49 Ukraine to intensify cooperation with Arab countries
Ukraine is planning soon to step up cooperation with Arab countries, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry's spokesperson, Oleh Voloshyn, said at a briefing.

He said that Foreign Minister Kostiantyn Hryshchenko had met with representatives of Arab countries on May 13. The minister believes that the potential between Ukraine and the Arab world is not used in full, Voloshyn said.

"We are planning soon to intensify work in this direction," he said.

He also noted that Ukraine and Arab countries maintained traditionally friendly relations and that there were no political discrepancies between them.

"We have no issues that can provoke mutual irritation. We see in this area a great potential for investment, the development of economic projects, industrial cooperation, and the development of an active political dialogue," Voloshyn said.