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Rating of exporters
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Commodity group code: 4823 (other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding cut to size & articles adhesive paper ...)
21 may 2010 12:50 NATO Secretary General reaffirms Ukrainian prospects
NATO's policy towards Ukraine is based on the decisions of the Bucharest Summit of the Alliance of 2008, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told a press conference in Brussels Monday, following the presentation of the report of the Working Group of high-level experts concerning NATO's new Strategic Concept.

Answering the questions of an UKRINFORM correspondent in Belgium about what opportunities for the entire Euro-Atlantic integration could be lost as a result of the current developments in Ukraine , Rasmussen said that NATO is still of the opinion that Ukraine, as well as Georgia, will become NATO members if they have the desire and meet the necessary criteria.

Clearly, this is a matter of each particular country, including Ukraine, to decide on its own path, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said adding her took into account the fact that the government of Ukraine had confirmed the intention to continue cooperating with NATO within the current framework of the NATO-Ukraine Commission.