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Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 3002 (human and animal blood, prepared antisera other blood frctns med immunological p ...)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 8403 (central heating boilers (not 8402) and parts thereof)
21 may 2010 13:02 Ukraine must return to Central Asia oil, gas market - President Yanukovych
Ukraine intends to return to the oil and gas market of Central Asia, President Viktor Yanukovych said during the 7th Ukrainian-Russian Economic Forum in Kyiv.

"In five years, Ukraine was pushed out of the Central Asian gas market, rather than left it freely. We do not lay any claims, but we would like to return to this issue and discuss it," the head of state said.

According to Yanukovych, this partially relates to the oil market, but mostly gas. "Our companies with the participation of Russian capital are also working in this industry, and have sustained quite serious losses, so we hope for a correct approach. We have partially discussed this issue, and I hope for more in the near future," he stressed.

In turn, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said: "It is a topic that is never ruled out, but it is never bilateral. It always has a tripartite character. It ultimately rests in our agreement with the Uzbeks and other colleagues."