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21 may 2010 13:05 Ukraine, Russia agree on cooperation in automobile transport sphere
Ukraine got support on the part of Russia regarding possibility of increasing a quota for Ukrainian carriers for 2010 for carrying out transportation on entering and leaving the third countries.

Such an agreement was reached during a working meeting of Deputy Transport Ministers of Ukraine and Russia, Oleksiy Baranov and Nikolay Lyamov in Moscow, the press service of the Ukrainian ministry informs.

In late May, the issues about increasing quotas will be submitted for discussion at a meeting of the bipartite Ukraine-Russia mixed commission on international motor transportation.

The parties exchanged experience regarding organization of the public transport functioning in the context of Ukraine's preparation to holding UEFA EURO-2012, in particular, concerning the electronic system of social payments in transport in the city of Moscow.

During the working meeting, deputy ministries discussed a package of issues on perspectives of development of the motor transportation of passengers and trucking in the international automobile connection between Ukraine and Russia.