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Commodity group code: 2005 (other vegetables not frozen & prepared or preserved but not by vinegar or acetic ...)
21 may 2010 13:08 Ukraine ups electric energy production
In the United Energy System of Ukraine, electric energy production increased by 10.9% or 6.474 billion kWh to 65.903 billion kWh in January-April against the same period of 2009.

According to the Fuel and Energy Ministry, in Q1 thermoelectric power plants increased production of electric energy by 17.2% tо 27.739 billion kWh, NPPs - by 3.6% tо 29.591 billion kWh, block-stations and municipal thermoelectric power stations - by 10.2% tо 3.111 billion kWh.

Hydroelectric power stations and storage plants in January-April boosted electric energy production by 25.1% tо 5.459 billion kWh.

Ukraine plans this year to increase electric energy production by 6.1% or by 10.5 billion kWh to 183.4 billion kWh against 2009.

Electric energy production in the United Energy System of Ukraine in 2009 reduced by 9.8% or by 18.768 billion kWh against 2008 to 172.907 billion kWh.