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Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 8411 (turbojets, turbopropellers & other gas turbines parts thereof)
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Commodity group code: 0904 (pepper, genus piper genus capsicum or pimenta)
21 may 2010 13:09 Ukrainian, Macedonian NOCs sign cooperation agreement
President of the Ukrainian National Olympic Committee Serhiy Bubka and President of the Macedonian Olympic Committee Vasil Tupurkovski have signed an agreement on sports cooperation, the press service of the Ukrainian National Olympic Committee has reported.

Under the agreement, the Olympic centers of the two states agreed to provide maximum assistance to each other in the development of Olympic sports and encourage their national sports federations for direct cooperation and mutual exchange of specialists and experts, particularly in the areas of sports science, medicine and anti-doping programs.

Particular attention will be paid to strengthening, developing and promoting an exchange of sports knowledge in the field of sports administration.

Sportsmen from both countries will now have a chance to train for free at the sports facilities of both states and use the respective infrastructure.

The agreement will be valid for four years with a possible extension for a similar period.