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21 may 2010 13:10 Ukraine ready to rebuild with Russia rail transit route from Chinese border to Europe - MFA
Ukraine is interested, together with the Russian Federation, to rebuild the rail transit route for the transportation of Chinese goods to Europe.

This interest was expressed at a joint briefing with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi by Foreign Minister of Ukraine Kostiantyn Hryshchenko.

According to him, this transit route would compete with aviation and maritime transportation of goods from China to Europe.

"We are looking to attract the maximum of China's financial opportunities, both in private and banking sector, to carry out large-scale infrastructure projects in Ukraine," Hryshchenko said.

At the same time, according to Jiechi, during his visit to Ukraine, the Ukrainian and Chinese parties will deal with implementation of the agreements reached between President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and Chinese leader Hu Jintao during their visit to Washington.