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Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
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vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
office@vitis.com.ua, marketing@vitis.com.ua
Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 3919 (self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip & other flat shapes, of pl ...)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 7013 (glassware for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration (not 7010,7018))
21 may 2010 13:10 Ukraine, Turkmenistan developing relations in almost all spheres
Turkmenistan is considering cooperation with Ukraine as one of its foreign policy directions and is building relations based on the existing good traditions of friendship, mutual respect, equal and mutually beneficial partnership.

The staff of the embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine said this at a festive event in Kyiv on the occasion of Turkmen Constitution Day and a national holiday, the Day of Revival, Unity and Poetry of Makhdumqoli Faraghi.

It was also noted that relations between Ukraine and Turkmenistan had been coordinated and developed in almost all spheres.

It was noted that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov had met at an informal meeting of the CIS heads of state on May 8, 2010 to discuss specific issues of further cooperation between Ukraine and Turkmenistan, including in the cultural sphere.