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Commodity group code: 2309 (preparations used in animal feeding dog, cat, pet, bird, poultry, cattle feed)
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Commodity group code: 3104 (mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic)
21 may 2010 13:23 Ukraine, Russia to sign four agreements on shipping
The Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine plans to sign 4 agreements with Russia in the field of navigation, Transport Minister of Ukraine Kostiantyn Yefimenko told a press conference Thursday.

In particular, the Minister noted that those are the agreements on joint coordination of air traffic control services of Ukraine and Russia in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas and the Kerch Strait. In addition, the agreement is being prepared on the order of navigation through the Strait of Kerch, on the order of sea and air-sea rescue, as well as on mutual access to inland waterways.

The Minister noted that the concept of integration of transport systems of Ukraine and Russia back in 2004 listed these projects, but none of the projects has been prepared for signature so far.

"We set the task in October, during the meeting of the two Prime Ministers, to sign those documents," Yefimenko said.