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14 june 2010 09:41 Russia is ready to share Ukrainian uranium with Ukraine
The head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko said that Russia was ready to discuss with Ukraine, a joint production of uranium.

As noted Kiriyenko told Ekho Moskvy radio station, now in Ukraine there is uranium mining, although mining of the main field - Novokonstantinovskaya - not yet deployed. To do this, "requires a lot of money, and we (Rosatom. - Ed.) Theoretically could discuss the possibility of joint work on the deployment of this field.

According to Kiriyenko, in Ukraine and will be no enrichment, "because the technology of enrichment - a technology for dual use, and there are international standards that prohibit its transfer to countries that it did not possess." The head of state corporation said that in this case, you can enrich uranium on Russian territory.

"We are ready to discuss it with our Ukrainian partners, and are discussing - set up working groups on all fronts ... and ready to talk about a joint venture in which the Ukrainian side could become the owner, partner, shareholder of one of our processing enterprises", - assured Kiriyenko .

However, the official stressed that the plant "does not move into the territory of Ukraine, but it will be partly Ukrainian plant. Thus, Kiriyenko said, Ukraine could have access to the technology, which does not possess.

"Factories are located in our territory. We can use the Hardware Ukrainian, zirconium, rolling, and a number of parts of zirconium we are doing today in Ukrainian enterprises. We discuss how the possibility of entering the Ukrainian partners in the share capital of one of the Russian factories and building a plant in the territory of Ukraine ", - said the head of Rosatom. As is known, Ukraine is currently conducting an appropriate tender.

"I think we can give the most competitive offer to the territory of Ukraine to deploy assembly line", - summed Kiriyenko.
