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14 june 2010 09:44 Russia aims at Ukrainian shipyards
Russia is interested in joint production with the Ukraine courts. Primarily interested in Russia Ukrainian shipyard as a base for repair of Russian ships, according to the Ministry of Industry and Russia.

There are currently discussed issues relating to the integration of shipbuilding complexes in Ukraine and Russia. Negotiations were conducted at the meeting of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturova with the Deputy Minister of Ukraine Konstantin prompolitiki coachman.

As a result it became known that the Russian side has also expressed interest in integrating FGC "Sea" and "Dawn-Mashproekt" in the United Shipbuilding Corporation. Now, experts from Russia will be until June 11 to study Ukrainian shipyard.

As previously reported, FSK "Sea" focuses on the construction of light, aluminum-based, military and civilian courts, and "Dawn-Mashproekt is the world's largest manufacturer of gas turbine engines for shipbuilding.
