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Commodity group code: 1302 (vegetable saps & extracts pectates agar-agar mucilages & thickeners)
22 june 2010 12:36 Ukrainians will visit Israel without visas
The Israeli government by the majority of votes adopted a decision about abolishment of a visa regime with Ukraine, UKRINFROM reports with reference to Kommersant-Ukraine.

However, a decision will work no earlier than autumn of next year, first it will be necessary to sign a bilateral agreement between the foreign ministries of both countries, then it will be ratified at the Parliaments of Israel and Ukraine, and only in three months following that it will come into force.

Israel that initiated that step expects an inflow of Ukrainian tourists, up to 200,000 instead of the present 73,000 a year.

Director of the MFA Information Policy Oleh Voloshyn is convinced that "removal of such a barrier for citizens as abolishment of visas will undoubtedly have a positive influence on trade-economic relations of the two countries."