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27 june 2010 18:13 Ukraine views Transnistrian settlement as one of its priorities in OSCE presidency
Ukraine considers the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict as one of the priorities of its OSCE chairmanship scheduled for 2013, MFA press-secretary Oleh Voloshyn has told reporters Tuesday, UKRINFORM reported.

According to him, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kostiantyn Hryshchenko at the meeting of the OSCE Council in Vienna (Austria) will today deliver a report on the current situation in Ukraine, foreign policy priorities and key actions to be taken during the presidency of the organization. "Undoubtedly, the Transnistrian settlement will become one of the key points of efforts of the Ukrainian diplomacy during the presidency of the OSCE," Voloshyn emphasized.

He recalled that this issue is also a priority during the OSCE presidency of other countries and expressed hope that Tiraspol and Chisinau will come to an agreement and the common language until 2013.