DB Statistics
Number of companies in DB - 21808
Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
Last form filled:
vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
office@vitis.com.ua, marketing@vitis.com.ua
Rating of exporters
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 8484 (gaskets & similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or two o ...)
27 june 2010 18:14 Ukraine boosts 2.9 fold ferroalloy exports in January-May
In January-May 2010, Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises increased export of basic ferroalloys against the same period of the previous year 2.9 fold to 476,500 tons, the government informed, UKRINFORM reports with reference to the Internet publication www.ugmk.info.

At the same time, in May export of basic ferroalloys against April reduced by 29.5% tо 74,900 tons.

Over five months of 2010, import of basic ferroalloys against the same period of the previous year dropped by 23.1% tо 31,000 tons. In May, import of basic ferroalloys against April was cut by 23.3% tо 3,300 tons.