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Number of companies in DB - 21808
Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
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vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
office@vitis.com.ua, marketing@vitis.com.ua
Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 8708 (parts & accessories..for motor vehicles of 8701 to 8705 brakes, radiators, muffl ...)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 8408 (compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel))
27 june 2010 18:20 Ukraine, Norway to enhance cooperation in science, technology, economy
Ukraine and Norway will strengthen cooperation between scientific research centers of the two countries through the elaboration of prospective and development of the existing projects in science and technology. Such an agreement was reached during a meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kostiantyn Hryshchenko, within his working visit to Iceland, and Norway's Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske, UKRINFORM reported quoting the Foreign Ministry's press service.

The parties discussed future directions of development of Ukrainian-Norwegian relations in trade and economic cooperation.

The two sides hailed the successful conclusion of the negotiation process between Ukraine and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), resulting in the signing of the Free Trade Agreement with EFTA and some other important documents.

The parties also stressed the necessity to intensify contacts between the two countries both at top political level and at the level of the business community.

Giske expressed great interest in investment projects in Ukraine and stressed the need to hold serious and pragmatic discussions on this issue with representatives of the two countries.