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29 november 2010 13:57 Turkey wants visa-free travel and free trade with Ukraine

According to the Minister of Economy and Industry of Turkey Nihat Ergun, Turkey is interested in expanding economic cooperation with Ukraine and the introduction of visa regime between the two countries. Such a statement the head of Turkish economic departments had made during the Black Sea Economic Forum

According to the minister, is expected in 2010. balance of trade between Ukraine and Turkey will be 5 billion dollars. And in 2011. reach the level of 2008. and will reach $ 8 billion.

In the opinion, Ergun, visa-free regime is needed to Turkish investments in the Crimea gained momentum. Simplification of visa regime will increase the flow of tourists from Ukraine to Turkey, and the introduction of visa-free regime will come to the Crimea and other regions of Ukraine Turkish tourists.

Ergun said that the signing of free trade between Ukraine and Turkey will contribute to increase trade between the two countries and their economic growth.
