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28 november 2011 15:33 Kraft Foods Ukraine opens biscuit workshop on basis of Trostianets confectionary

Public joint-stock company Kraft Foods Ukraine (Trostianets, Sumy region), one of the largest confectionary and salted snack producers in Ukraine, on November 24, 2011 opened a biscuit workshop on the basis of the Trostianets confectionary with a production capacity of up to 20,000 tonnes per year, an Interfax-Ukraine correspondent has reported.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was held on November 23, 2011 in Trostianets.

According to materials released at the ceremony, all of the construction work at the Trostianets confectionary was included in the program on the development of investment and innovation in Ukraine, which is supported by the head of state.

Sumy Regional Administration told Interfax-Ukraine that it took less than one year to build the workshop, which is a record for Ukraine and Europe.

The administration said that all of the permits were issued to Kraft Foods Ukraine within one month through a single investment window system.

The administration also said that all raw materials required for production of biscuits (apart from cacao beans) will be bought only in Ukraine, in particular, in Sumy region.
