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03 december 2014 12:04 Ukrainian Energy Forum – meeting place for the Ukrainian and international energy communities

Adam Smith Conferences’ 6th Annual Ukrainian Energy Forum will take place in Kyiv on 2-5 March 2015. Event website


Here are just several of the key forum topics to be analysed:

  • As the negotiations continue regarding a potential renewal of gas supplies from Russia, reverse gas flows from the EU, and in particular Slovakia, reach record levels. Hear from such experts as Ambassador Keith Smith of the Centre for European Policy Analysis and Vitaliy Radchenko of CMS Cameron McKenna;
  • Ukraine is currently bringing its legislation in line to comply with the 3rd European energy package. Janez Kopac, Head of the Energy Community Secretariat, and Olena Pavlenko, President of Dixy Group, are just 2 of the experts who will discuss this;
  • How much closer is Ukraine to proving the economic viability of its vast unconventional gas reserves – Christopher Glover of Viva Exploration is just one of those who is actively involved in finding the answer;
  • The temporary increase in taxation of gas producers has caused much controversy. All the leading producers, including Adelmo Schenato of Cadogan Petroleum, will join a lively discussion with government representatives onstage;
  • We anticipate a number of new licence auctions and potential PSAs, which will be announced by government representatives. We will also hear about existing PSAs from the likes of Maksym Maksimentsev of NAK Nadra Ukrayny and Dr James Bown of Vanco Prykerchenska;
  • As the electricity market undergoes the transition towards the new market model, we will hear from such market participants as Yurii Gnatiuk of Energorinok, Andrey Favorov of Energy Resources of Ukraine and Jozsef Balogh of Axpo Group.


More details are on the event website

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