DB Statistics
Number of companies in DB - 21808
Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
Last form filled:
vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
office@vitis.com.ua, marketing@vitis.com.ua
Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 8708 (parts & accessories..for motor vehicles of 8701 to 8705 brakes, radiators, muffl ...)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 0306 (crustaceans, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine, steamed, boi ...)
    About Directory









   Importers and Exporters of Ukraine Directory (access to database at www.eximbase.com) is the unique information product in Ukraine – the only product presenting Ukraine and its enterprises on the world market.

   The Directory has been published annually since 2001 and features the most complete data about the largest enterprises of Ukraine involved in foreign economic activity.

   The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine uses Importers and Exporters of Ukraine Directory for presentations at international events of all levels, for Ukraine’s stands at summits of government leaders, etc. Thousands of Importers and Exporters of Ukraine CDs were distributed at world exhibitions, fairs, and summits (Hanover Messe (Germany), Grune Woche (Green Week in Germany), Izmir (Turkey), Central European Initiative Summit (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland). Each year copies of the Directory are delivered to Trade and Economic Missions under diplomatic representations of Ukraine abroad, foreign diplomatic representative offices of Ukraine, and foreign embassies to Ukraine. 

   Information content and technical capacities of the Director`s Program are unique and have no analogues in Ukraine.

  Information content:

  • contacts of almost 21,500 largest enterprises of Ukraine
    involved in foreign economic activities;
  • imported or exported commodities;
  • foreign trade volumes;
  • ratings by commodity import and export volumes;
  • import/export regions;
  • membership in the CCI;
  • availability of ISO certificate;
  • archive data since 2011.

 Capacities of the Program:

  • software is simple and convenient for traditional users;
  • search of enterprises and forming of lists by selected criteria;
  • data export to Excel;
  • daily update of contacts for the database at www.eximbase.com.

The Directory price is Euro 200 (within 12 months).

Access to database at www.eximbase.com is granted for 12 months from the date of payment for the access to the Directory.

To order the Directory, non-residents of Ukraine click here.


tel./fax: 38 (044) 390-50-72
е-mail: exim@dzi.gov.ua