DB Statistics
Number of companies in DB - 21808
Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
Last form filled:
vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
office@vitis.com.ua, marketing@vitis.com.ua
Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 0811 (fruit & nuts, steamed, boiled, frozen)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 4801 (newsprint, in rolls or sheets)
    Companies by commodity group code

Total coincided: 3
8304 - Office and desk equipment (not 9403) and parts, of base metal desk-top filing, card-index cabinets, paper or pen trays
  Name Region
1 BIC UKRAINE + SUBSIDIARY the city of Kyiv
2 DELAVAL + SUBSIDIARY the city of Kyiv
3 LOMINEY + LLC the city of Kyiv