DB Statistics
Number of companies in DB - 21808
Forms filled for last 7 days - 0
Last form filled:
vul. Shulyavska 10/12D, m. Kyiv
office@vitis.com.ua, marketing@vitis.com.ua
Rating of exporters
Commodity group code: 1704 (sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), no cocoa chewing gum, candy)
Rating of importers
Commodity group code: 8474 (machinery for..sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing, etc..earth, st ...)
    Download updates

In order to proceed with the monthly CD Catalog update you need:

  1. To register on the CD (as a catalog user):
    • Insert the registration key (it is specified on the CD’s envelope)
    • Go through the registration process (fill in the form)
  2. To download the update:
    • Click on the “On-line” button in the CD’s main menu and choose “Database update” option.

During the startup the reindexing and updating processes will be launched, which can lead to a continuous pause.

After you restart the program you will be able to see the date of the last update at the bottom of the screen, indicating that the update was successful.